We are opening an open competition since we are pretty and pretty much open as well.

IF you happen to be an artist, musician, band or performer, send your bit (song, record, video, etc) to our email address.

You’ll have it until the 14th April.

What will you win?

Well, the artist, musician, band or performer sent their song, record, video, etc to our email address might win a free entry for the live reviews in our upcoming episode – with promotions.

How can you win?

Send your bit the right way to the right email address (the usual one) and you might be picked.
Actually, we will pick 3 artists/musicians/bands/performers altogether.

And yes, if you have already subscribed and commented to the main show, that will weigh in! (hint: it’s never too late)

What else do you need?

If you still don’t know: podcast (at) neobornandandiahumanshow (dot) com